arekato - Memajukan UKM Indonesia

Exclusive Breast Milk (Air Susu Ibu Eksklusif)

Given since the baby is until six months age. During this period, recommended to feed  baby with  breast milk only , without any additional supplement food . Many benefits of exclusive breast feeding that can be obtained by babies.

Naturally baby's immune is created due to breast milk is content of antibodies which are immunity supporting againts bacteria and virus.  In consequences  baby will get less risk of diseases, such as diarrhea, asthma, allergies, ear infections, respiratory infections, constipation and meningitis.

Diberikan sejak bayi lahir sampai usia 6 bulan .  Selama waktu tersebut di rekomendasikan untuk memberi asupan bayi hanya ASI  tanpa makanan tambahan apapun . Banyak manfaat dari ASI eksklusif dapat di peroleh oleh bayi .

Secara alami imun bayi akan terbentuk karena ASI mengandung antibodi yang akan memberikan imunitas melawan bakteri dan virus . Bayi akan beresiko rendah terhadap penyakit seperti diare , asma, alergi , infeksi telinga, infeksi saluran pernafasan , konstipasi dan meningitis